Friday, September 16, 2011

Blogspot Post thru Blogger client for Android

Hi guys... All those who follow my blog already know that I recently got an andriod based phone. I have downloaded this blogspot client, blogger-droid, so am trying it out and having a hands-on experience of blogging through it.

After this post I'll decided wether I should be using this app for my posts our not for the upcoming posts. it'll be a great thing if I end up liking this app for then it'll be really easy for me to blog anything that I want to, whenever I want to and you'll be seeing relatively more posts from me. :)

Well till now on its been really easy typing this much of text,but samsung's swipe keyboard technology does come in handy on such occassions...:)

So now if you ppl see more posts from me,it means that this app is good although the contrary isn't true...:p