Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Codeigniter : Object Oriented Php Framework


Codeigniter is one of the best php frameworks that i have come across in recent times.It strictly follows the MVC architecture and hence uses the Object Oriented Php.

It gives state of the art features with the such ease that you cant stop loving it, even the most novice of developers can work wonders using this framework and cant stop appreciating what he/she has come up with.

Everything that you want your website to exhibit, may it be security(captcha, sql injection,url,etc), utilities(pagination,smiley,download,upload,etc), AJAX, Database and a lot more can be included using this framework with the minimum of efforts and the best possible implementation.

The set up is as easy as it can be, just follow a few simple steps and you are ready to go.(They would come in my next post.)

As the saying goes "The best things in this world are for free!", so is codeigniter.

Simply download it and follow the user guide.

One of the best things bout this framework is that you get a lot of tutorials that would help you out a lot.

Go ahead and start creating some fabulous web applications. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Agile Scout and Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine and Agile Scout are the two website that i think every developer should follow, for there are many new and innovative things that one would be exposed to.

Smashing Magazine is the web site that deals with all kind of tools and techniques that one would like to use in their web applications, with detailed and structured articles that would help the most novice of developers to develop their own websites without much effort which would leave them aghast.

Agile Scout will on the other hand guide you through different tools and techniques that would be useful in the development of projects using the agile methodology which is the latest and widely adapted process of developing softwares in the industry today.

I have subscribed to their RSS feeds which are on the right hand side of the blog.

Now go and explore these two web portals and start creating some great web apps. ;)